Feli­cia CHEȚAN¹, Cor­nel CHEȚAN², Forin RUSSU³, Ali­na ȘIMON⁴, Adi­na TĂRĂU⁵, Adri­an CECLAN⁶, Mar­ius BĂRDAȘ⁷
Cor­re­spond­ing author e‑mail: felice_fely @ yahoo.com
Abstract: The research con­duct­ed  at the Agri­cul­tur­al Research and Devel­op­ment Sta­tion Tur­da (ARDS), sit­u­at­ed in the Tran­sil­van­ian Plateau, they pur­sued the pos­si­bil­i­ty of obtain­ing yield increas­es and qual­i­ty for the Caro TD soy­bean vari­ety, cul­ti­vat­ed in four tillage sys­tems (CS — con­ven­tion­al plow, MTC – min­i­mum till chis­el, MTD – min­i­mum till disk, NT – no till direct sow­ing), by cre­at­ing a larg­er space for plant nutri­tion and devel­op­ment. Sow­ing was done at 65 (ger­mi­na­tive grains) gg/m2, the dis­tance between the rows being 18–36-54 cm. From the results obtained, in two exper­i­men­tal years, it was con­clud­ed that, in the cli­mate and soil con­di­tions of Tur­da, the tillage sys­tem cor­re­sponds to a cer­tain sow­ing dis­tance at which soy­bean lends itself, achiev­ing high­er yields: clas­sic at 18 cm (3189 kg/ha), min­i­mum till chis­el at  36 cm (2779 kg/ha), min­i­mum till disc at 54 cm (2875 kg/ha) and for no till direct sow­ing 36 cm (2349 kg/ha). It not­ed, the high per­cent­age of pro­tein con­tent in the grains in the vari­ant MTD (32,0% at 54 cm and 31,9% la 18 cm). The low­est val­ues ​​were record­ed in the vari­ant NT, at the same dis­tances between the rows. The fact that in the vari­ant NT the low­est val­ues ​​of grain pro­tein con­tent were deter­mined, 30% at18 cm, respec­tive­ly 29,6% at 54 cm dis­tance between rows, and the high­est per­cent­age was found at the same dis­tances between rows in the vari­ant MTD, at 54 cm 32,0%, respec­tive­ly at 18 cm 31,9%. In terms of fat con­tent, the min­i­mum range was 20% in SC at 18 cm and max­i­mum in MTC at 36 cm dis­tance between rows.
Key words: non-con­ven­tion­al sys­tem, dis­tance between rows, yield, soy­bean.
Clas­si­fi­ca­tion JEL: Q 01, Q 15, Q 16

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