Elena SIMA
Corresponding author e‑mail: elenasima.iea@yahoo.com
Abstract: The objective of this paper is to present the impact of investments on the revitalization of labor market in the Romanian rural areas through the implementation of measures that facilitated the diversification of economic activities, this being a cross-cutting theme throughout the implementation of the national rural development programmes. The statistical data reveals that agriculture, food industry and forestry are of primordial importance for the rural economy; and the information on rural diversification and non-agricultural activities is provided by the institutions involved in the administration, control and implementation of rural development programmes; their interpretation being influenced by the multiple dimensions of diversification. The diversification of economic activities in the rural area ensures the creation of new sources of alternative or additional incomes for the rural population to counteract the process of the depopulation of agricultural areas and to strengthen the economic and social fabric of rural areas. At the same time, the development of the business sector in the rural area, by encouraging the maintenance and development of traditional activities, leads to the diminution of disparities between rural and urban areas.
Keywords: Rural economy diversification, European financial support, Romania.
JEL Classification: Q18, R50.
Articles 2022