All the contributors are invited to submit papers in accordance to the conference sections and topics related to the scope of the AERD Conference. The conference proceedings will be published in Scientific Papers Agrarian Economy and Rural Development – Trends and Challanges (ISSN 2972–1741; ISSN‑L 2972–1741) and it will only contain the papers presented during the conference.
Contributions should comply strictly to the proceedings guidelines and paper template.
Papers should be submitted both in electronic form and as hard paper.
The Scientific Board of the AERD Conference reserves the right to reject any papers that do not comply with the scientific standard content, does not follow the paper template, or conference topics, the presentation is poorly and the author(s) does not respect the reviewers’ recommendation or research ethics.
It is not the reviewers’ duty to operate any correction of the articles submitted.
The Scientific Papers and its editors accept no liability for the accuracy of the calculations, experimental data, views expressed or statements made by the contributors.
Authors are responsible for the factual accuracy and copyright of their contributions.