Cor­nelia ALBOIU
Core­spond­ing author e‑mail:
Abstract: The paper aims to study the reac­tion of the Roman­ian veg­etable sec­tor to the dis­rup­tion of trade flows due to the Covid-19 pan­dem­ic, analysing the evo­lu­tion of the trade of the main veg­etable prod­ucts in the last decade in Roma­nia and mak­ing com­par­isons with the most impor­tant veg­etable pro­duc­ing coun­tries both with­in the EU and out­side the EU. The study also makes a brief analy­sis of world trade, in which the main trends, its size and per­spec­tives are analysed at glob­al lev­el. Short-term glob­al fore­casts antic­i­pate a fur­ther increase in veg­etable con­sump­tion, but at the same time sig­nal many uncer­tain­ties relat­ed to the evo­lu­tion of ener­gy and gas prices, as well as the increas­ing­ly man­i­fes­ta­tion of a new actor, name­ly cli­mate change. In this con­text, the results reveal that Roma­nia remains a net importer of veg­eta­bles. The neg­a­tive trade bal­ance deep­ened con­tin­u­ous­ly dur­ing the analysed peri­od, the deficit increas­ing and exceed­ing 400 mil­lion euros in 2019.
Key­words: trade con­text, Roman­ian veg­etable sec­tor
JEL clas­si­fi­ca­tion: Q11, Q 17

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